A Victorian vicarage which has been converted into flats for homeless people in Kent has achieved an astonishing Band B EPC rating—up from Band E—thanks to its use of Actis Hybrid insulation.
The builders and project surveyor are delighted, but not surprised that the refurbished building is so energy-efficient.
The property, Christchurch Lodge, bought and refurbished by Ashford Borough Council as a more stable and cost-effective alternative to bed and breakfast accommodation for those without a roof over the heads, recently welcomed its first residents.
The choice of Actis Hybrid was made by the council’s Development Surveyor, Darren Parrett, who was impressed by the ability of the products to reduce thermal bridging when he took part in an Actis continuing professional development (CPD) training session a few years ago.
“This is a significant achievement in building energy performance, made all the more remarkable given the physical limitations of an existing 19th-century building compared to a blank canvas design of a new-build scheme,” he said.
Contractors Jenner created an internal stud wall inside the original brick, filling it with 125 mm honeycomb insulation Actis Hybris and then adding insulating vapour control layer HControl Hybrid to eliminate thermal bridging—something with which the construction team were particularly pleased.
Hybris and HControl Hybrid were also used in the roof, with Hybris on its own in the ceilings.
As well as noting that the building feels very warm and cosy in colder weather, Darren also observed how cool it had been during this summer’s heatwave.
And an added bonus—the contractors said the products were very quick and easy to install.
To find out more about the Actis Hybrid insulation, go to hybrid.insulation-actis.com