A prominent historic building in Paisley town centre which had fallen into disrepair is being restored with the help of Renfrewshire Council’s Townscape Heritage Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (TH.CARS2).
A prominent historic building in Paisley town centre which had fallen into disrepair is being restored with the help of Renfrewshire Council’s Townscape Heritage Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (TH.CARS2).
Dating back to 1840, the property is a Grade B-listed stone-faced, slated-roof terraced building at 3 County Place, situated in a prominent location opposite Paisley Gilmour Street train station. The restoration project, led by Paisley architect John Martin, consists of converting the upper floors into four dwellings (two two-bedroomed and two three-bedroomed) and external repairs, including new windows, stonework, and roof works. Protection for the roof will include a new roofing membrane, new leadwork and the re-use of the original slates. All existing slates to the front elevation will be kept and used to maintain the appearance of the surrounding buildings with CUPA H3 slate fitted to the rear. All existing sarking to the roof will be replaced.
In selecting a suitable membrane, architect John Martin explained: “I chose Roofshield for the roof underlay because it is both air- and vapour permeable and requires no additional ventilation to the roof. Roofshield is my preferred roofing membrane; it is strong and robust and meets all the key criteria.“
The incorporation of Roofshield into a project can lead to savings in both labour and material costs due to no additional VCL being required. The high-performance air permeability of Roofshield means that the roof space will have similar air changes to that of a roof using traditional eaves/ridge ventilation.
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