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Green Loop Pallets Enter Building Materials Supply Chain

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This month sees a step change in the way building materials are delivered in the UK. Reusable pallets from THE PALLET LOOP are now entering the construction sector, en masse, loaded with products from British Gypsum.

After discussing for some time the benefits that a circular economy pallet reuse scheme could bring to the industry, The Pallet LOOP is now delivering what it promised. Over the next year, more than a million green LOOP pallets will enter the building materials supply chain, and The Pallet LOOP says this is just the start of a wider shift.

Deb Dillon Foster, Head of Customer Engagement at The Pallet LOOP, said:

“We’re grateful to British Gypsum for the sustainable leadership they’ve shown in signing up for our pallet reuse scheme.

"We’ve been saying for ages that change is coming in relation to pallets—and now it’s really happening. Every year, UK construction uses 20 million pallets to move building materials, the vast majority of which are used just once, then skipped or scrapped. That’s wrong on many levels and from this point on, that changes.

“We’re already talking to other material manufacturers that are keen to get in the LOOP and use our returnable pallets to transport their products. The benefits are undeniable. With huge timber, carbon, and waste savings on offer, plus a pay-back of up to £4 for every green pallet we collect, pallets are no longer about just delivering products.

"The Pallet LOOP is proof that, with the right approach, pallets can also deliver huge sustainability and financial benefits across the whole industry.”

For more information about moving materials using The Pallet LOOP’s circular economy pallets, please contact:

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