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Roofing news and information from NFRC


BBA Certification for Mapei Purtop 1000N

2 minsMAPEI PURTOP 1000N liquid roof waterproofing system has been awarded BBA Certification. A two-component solvent-free, fast-curing pure polyurea membrane, Purtop 1000N forms a waterproof coating…

NFRC Welcomes Harrowden to its List

2 minsHARROWDEN is delighted to announce its membership of NFRC. With the growing emphasis on sustainable construction and the impending mandatory requirement for biodiversity net-gain measures…

Know your payment terms


2 minsby Tom Blake, PGM Solicitors Sub-contractors may not realise that their agreement/contract with the main contractor constitutes a construction contract for the purposes of the…