This interesting project involved the renewal of eight oak timber posts on a village hall ventilation turret failing from previous repairs. During the inspection it was quickly realised that it wasn’t just a quick fix, the project would require a multitude of skills, including specialist mitred vertical slating, bespoke joinery and the skills of an expert lead worker.
Once the job had been stripped back to a stage at which the oak could be accessed, the contractor was able to discover that they needed to source 8 x 8-inch oak timbers so that the posts could return to their former glory. The lead used was a variety of codes, ranging from code 3 for the fishtail soakers, code 4 for the soakers, code 5 for the aprons and code 6 for the lead inside the turret. The Welsh green slates were saved and reused.
Old photos showed that the turret originally had louvers between each oak post; the contractor reinstated these louvers to give protection against driving rain and the extra ventilation to the turret.
Whilst the slating involved was over a small area, the level of complexity was particularly high, requiring highly-skilled and experienced operatives.
The skilled craftsmanship of the tradesmen who worked on this turret impressed the judging panel.