Demonstrating the company’s commitment to ongoing testing for safety and security and providing homeowners with extra security and peace of mind, BRETT MARTIN’S Mardome Trade rooflights have achieved Secured by Design (SBD) accreditation.
Proven to reduce burglary and crime rates by up to 87 per cent on new-build developments, SBD is part of Police Crime Prevention Initiatives (PCPI), a police-owned organisation that works on behalf of the Police Service to deliver a wide range of crime prevention and demand reduction initiatives across the UK.
Products must be subject to rigorous testing and, additionally, be fully certificated by an independent, third-party certification body accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) before being allowed to carry the SBD logo. This is the only way for companies to obtain police accreditation for security-related products in the UK.
SBD accreditation is only available with specific variants of Mardome Trade rooflights, with these additions to the Brett Martin range designed to have an impact on crime deterrence.
With the safety and security of homes and crime prevention an important consideration, Brett Martin’s Mardome Trade SBD variants form part of a range of rooflight solutions that will ensure a high level of rooflight security on a diverse range of projects.
To find out more about Brett Martin visit www.brettmartin.com.