For UK construction workers, physical injuries can often have a painful effect on their personal finances. BLACK LION INSURANCE can help.
While a broken bone may only stop an office-based contractor from working for a few weeks, the physical requirements of a construction worker mean that even the fittest individuals will often need at least three months before being able to safely return to work. More serious injuries can easily prevent a roofer from working for twelve months or more.
With the cost of living in the UK rising, many households would struggle without an income for three months, let alone a whole year. To offset the risk of a complete loss of income, various Income protection and Accident & Sickness insurance policies are available. These policies can often be prohibitively expensive for those in more hazardous trades, due to the heightened risk and longer recovery periods required for construction workers.

However, a new cost-effective “Accident Only” insurance policy for Construction Workers is now available through one of NFRC’s newest service providers, Black Lion Insurance. The policy pays a monthly benefit for up to two years should the policyholder suffer an injury (in or out of work) which prevents them from working.
For a 30-year-old Roofer, a policy providing a monthly benefit of £2,500 costs less than £20 per month.
No medical history is required— you simply need to live in the UK, be employed or self employed and aged between 18 and 60.