It is almost 30 years since industry-leading refurbishment solutions Delcote and Seamsil began extending the life cycles of profiled metal roofs. Their consistent performance throughout the years is the reason why Sharmans, the product manufacturer and sole supplier, can state with confidence that the guarantees they offer are not only proven but also stand the test of time.
Tried and tested, the flexible silicon technology allows for movement and provides outstanding resistance to UV, weathering and temperature extremes.
BBA-approved, Delcote architectural coatings require no primer and offer a ten-year guarantee for a single coat system and a 25-year guarantee for a two-coat system to cater for short- and long-term lifecycle requirements.
Seamsil is the original go-to treatment for cut-edge corrosion. The silicone-based system can flex to accommodate movement and effectively seal the lap. Guaranteed for 15 years and BBA-approved, Seamsil, like Delcote, has a proven track record even in the most aggressive environments.
To help contractors reap the commercial benefits and get the best results for their customers, Sharmans provides a dedicated training programme for their liquid coatings products. Delivered at the purpose-built training academy at the company’s head office, courses are free of charge and cover correct installation methodologies which are essential to the performance of the company’s refurbishment systems. Attendees who successfully complete the course join Sharmans’ approved contractor network and are able to off er guarantees for the work they carry out.
To learn more about Sharmans’ industry-leading roof refurbishment systems or become a Sharmans-approved contractor visit